eyeReports are no longer available
eyeReports end of product life
- Due to the death of Stephen Rosenbaum, Owner, Founder, and Creator of eyeReports, the eyeReports are no longer available.
Our overview videos will show you the top reasons to use eyeReports for OfficeMate! Look for our favorites, and other eyeReports with videos.
# | Title | Description | Category |
3 | Practice Metrics | Quickly get your practice metrics in a few clicks. | Overview |
5 | Insurance Analysis | Know what companies to accept and increase collections. | Overview |
30 | Recall Listing | Find the patients who are not getting recalled. | Overview |
155 | Sales by Dispenser | Compare your dispenser sales and know who is upselling. | Overview |
360 | Appointment Scheduler Tools | Ensure you are not losing revenue and save staff time. | Overview |
600,610,620 | Lab Order Tracking | Easy, efficient and effective lab order tracking. | Overview |
Our article Using eyeReports in Your Practice describes which reports you would use when, by day and by function.
These workbooks provides the Key Metrics to assess a practice and many other Key Performance Indicators that give you the information you need to make intelligent business decisions. Most of the metrics discussed in the "Management & Business Academy Key Metrics for Assessing Optometric Practice Performance" (mba-ce.com) are included in these reports.
In one easy to view eyeReport, see your products and services units sold and net fees generated, graphed.
Curious where your practice has been and where it's going? Do you want to see and analyze your practice metrics over time? 8 graph categories of all key practice metrics and performance indicators show how you are doing from 2007 to present.
This eyeReport gives you specific practice metrics with only a few mouse clicks, helping you quickly focus in on the practice areas that need improvement. Compare periods. All results are graphed for easy analysis.
This eyeReport gives you a one click method to get the specific metrics you need to give to your practice consultants or in-house staff who analyze your business. Save time by quickly getting the metrics you need across all areas of the practice.
Get the number of patient encounters by product and service types or CPT codes for your practice metrics. Get the % of Medicaid or Medicare patient encounters during a period to get your EHR incentives.
This eyeReport will quickly get your eyeReports investment back by: 1) increasing your insurance collections, or 2) reducing income tax payments, or 3) stopping you from losing money from frame sales to insurance patients, or 4) by insurance company, help you analyze collections received and gross profits by fee slip to analyze whether to continue to accept the carrier.
Track frame, ophthalmic lenses and other product sales by dispenser. Compute staff net fees and gross profit per hour.
How effective is your marketing? What are the sources of your patients? What is the sales history of those sources? This report shows the fees and gross profits generated by the source of the patient. Know where your patients are coming from and what fees are generated from employers, marketing, insurance companies, patient and professional referrals. Know what patient and professionals are referring patients to your practice and how many by month.
Get a complete picture of your frame sales within various categories.
Find our what is selling in various cost ranges, ages, gender and more!
Reports the Gross Profit and number of turns the frame has had based on allocated board space. Hand this report to a frame rep to analyze the sales of their frames. This report was recommended by frame reps.
What do your day's sales and collections REALLY look like? This report shows exactly that - without the collections and adjustments from prior days mixed in. Compare production by Providers, Staff and Locations. Know what is being sold by each. Compare sales by days. Know the amount and % collected from the patients at the time of visit. Compare staff collection percents.
Get Day Sheets for every day of the month, not just for a single day like OfficeMate.
The report you need to compare your monthly fees from one month to the next. Monthly sales by Financial and Production Groups, dollar amounts and percents.
This report presents fees charged and units billed by month by CPT Codes. It also compares Provider charges by CPT Code.
Applied Payments by Production and Financial groups. Get a true picture of your receipts against charges on the Date of Service by Month. Also see your Gross Profits after collections.
Get the list of names of patients who have spent a designated amount on product purchases. Get a VIP list of patients by amounts paid to the practice.
Do you want to contact patients with a specified diagnosis code to let them know about new equipment you have to help their condition? Want to email patients with specified diagnosis for other reasons? Report 220 lists all patients with a Diagnosis Code entered on a fee slip. You can then search for specific codes and get the patients email address and demographic information to make it easy to contact them.
These reports are valuable to understand your Patient Demographics, but also valuable when ordering frames to meet those demographic needs. You can filter and sort your patient data on all columns and select specific patients based on Demographics. These reports have ALL the information in the patient demographic record.
This report helps you to be sure that all of your patients recall dates are in the future and not lost in the past. With filters, you can find all patients whose Recall Dates are before their Last Exam Dates. With this information you can update the patient recall dates.
Are you using the OfficeMate Referred Out Tracking Process? If yes, this eyeReport helps you track who has been referred out so you can give great follow up service and be sure they return.
This is one of the two reports you need to reconcile the monies you receive daily with the deposit ticket and the monies on hand to be deposited. It also lists the charges from lab orders and exams that have not been posted yet.
What percent of the fee are you collecting from the patient at time of visit? This report lists the fee slip details with the patient amount due and matches the payment on that initial visit with the patient charge.
This is one of the two reports you need to reconcile the monies you receive daily with the deposit ticket and the monies on hand to be deposited and not applied.
Find out what orders have been received, which ones are still outstanding, who has not been notified who has been notified but their jobs have still not been picked up, check your orders that have not been invoiced and more with this report!
This report will "give you a handle" on your soft lens lab orders! These are the worksheets your active dispensers and/or providers need to keep track of orders and notify patients to pick up their lenses.
This report will give you a handle on your rigid lens lab orders. These are the worksheets your active dispensers and/or providers need to keep track of orders and notify patients to pick up their lenses.
Quickly get a picture of your patient base with this group of graphs.
These graphs give you an easy way to view applied payments by Production Groups, Financial Groups, CPT Codes and ICD-9 Codes by Provider, Staff, Insurance and Locations. The compaion to report #650.
Graphs comparing one of your locations to another for the same period! These graphs are companions to report #175.
This graphical presentation report gives you an easy way to view a recap of your frame units sold by gender, mount, usage, material, insurance company and manufacturer.
These easy to view graphs will quickly show you the number and percent of patients by their primary insurance company.
All the details of patients' scheduled plus an audit report that compares scheduled patients to recorded fee slips and their recall dates to be sure they are updated. It also includes the patient demographic information and financial status of the scheduled patients. Audit who has been seen compared with who have been charged. See who requires authorization or elibigility in advance. Print routing slips for all scheduled patients.
Easily view by month and year applied payments by Production Groups, Financial Groups, CPT Codes and ICD-9 Codes by Provider, Staff, Insurance and Locations.
Easily view using graphs of applied payments by Production Groups, Financial Groups, CPT Codes and ICD-9 Codes by Provider, Staff, Insurance and Locations.
If you want to compare your Provider Production this is the report you need. Select a CPT or Diagnosis Code and the report shows what fees were generated by the code by Provider.
Similar to #50, these reports provide running totals by day by Provider, but by the Primary Diagnosis code you select.
Lists the patient charges recorded and still owning from patients.
Lists the Insurance Company charges recorded and still owing from the company.
Lists all ExamWRITER exams and Lab Order Charges that are still open to be posted. Don't lose revenues because staff is not posting patient charges.
These reports give you a detailed listing of the Attribute Fees, Attribute Costs, CPT codes, financial and production groups and all other data added to the product tab. This report can also be used to find products without codes, produciton and financial groups and attributes assigned, etc.
These reports give you a detailed listing of the fee, CPT codes, financial and prodution groups and all other data added to the Product tab. This report can also be used to find services with and without codes, groups, and other product details.
Use this report to review the vendor information you have in OfficeMate. It replaces the current vendor listing in the OfficeMate Reports.
Package Discounts, Other Discounts and Insurance Discounts Recaps. This report shows you the many discounts and package discounts given to patients for the period you select.
Audit the staff adjustments made to the patient and insurance ledger balances. See all of the adjustments made during a period! Get a list of fee slips that are voided to know who are voiding fee slips and compare voids by staff.
Save time by using this report to find fee slip posting errors and which Providers and Staff Names have been assigned to the fee slip line items.
This report is important for correct reporting by Dispenser and Commission Calculations.
It also has Patient Open Charges and Voided Fee Slips.
Vision Source members - be sure the correct products are charged to patients based on their insurance or private pay.
Protect your valuable assets! With this report it's easy to see all of the adjustments made to inventory over a selected period.
This report lists all payment reversal made by staff to patient records. Because the posted payments can be reversed or changed, this report shows those that have occurred and the reason for the changes. The report also shows all changes made to previously applied payments. Why are they changed?
This report lists and shows you the status of the electronic claims submitted. Easily find Open, On Hold and Submitted claims. Know which claims still have errors. Increase your cash flow by monitoring your insurance claims on a regular basis.
This report shows what patients are buying which contact lenses.
Track frame, ophthalmic lenses and other product sales by dispenser. Compute staff net fees and gross profit per hour.
This report lists all of the open exams that are still to be completed or billed in ExamWRITER, plus patients by their IOP's Pachmetry readings and Therapeutic Rx info. Use this report to clear old exams, contact patients that did not show for exams and find exams that have not been billed. Use the patient tools to graph a patient's IOP's over time, pachmetry history and therapeutic Rx history.
Use this tool to be sure all of the Meaningful Use fields are completed so there are no questions that you will qualify. Don't wait until your compliance % is low to start!
This report lists all exams where a fee slip was not created. It also analyzes how many exams became lab orders which then became recorded fee slips. Are your exams effective at generating revenues? Are all of your exam charges being recorded?
Use this tool to find the Core measure 10 compliance for Diagnosis, Age and CPT Codes performed analysis.
This report lists your inventory and the quantities, values and dates related to the products. This report replaces the OfficeMate Inventory Custom Reports.
Use this report to check the status of purchase orders. It replaces the 3 Purchase Order Reports in OfficeMate.
Use this eyeReport to verify insurance coverages for scheduled patients who have vision and medical insurance in advance of their appointment. It also lists all patients and their insurance information - get the information by a specific insurance company or just have a list of the patients. Filter by Month of Last Exam and Year of Last Exam. You can also see inactive patients.
Review what CPT Codes are associated with ICD-9 codes with this report.
For insurance analysts - this report is for you. Many insurance managers have requested an analysis of the CPT Codes performed and the Diagnosis Codes selected by patient age and gender.
This report gives you all you need to know about the ICD-9 codes your Providers are billing.
Save Staff time! Print a form with your patient's demographic information on it for them to verify that the information you have on file is current and correct.
Although OfficeMate only interfaces with the MAS90 or QuickBooks accounting systems, with this report you can use the MAS90 interface process and get the journal entries you need to manually enter the journal entries into any accounting system. We'll also send you a document on how to use the MAS90 interace, although OfficeMate - not eyeReports - is responsible for support of the interace.
Are you a member of ODExcellence? If you are, this eyeReport will quickly gather the monthly data you need to enter into the ODX Profit Center on their web site to get your practice metrics.
Are you a Cleinman Performance Partner? If you are, this eyeReport will quickly gather the monthly data you need to enter into the CPP web site to get your practice metrics.
Are you a client of the Williams Group? If you are, this eyeReport will quickly gather most of the data you need to report to your consultant. Save time and get consistent results with this eyeReport!